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Search database:
Religious Studies; Jewish Studies; Islam and the Middle East
The ATLA Religion Database is a comprehensive database designed to support religious and theological scholarship in graduate education and faculty research. The file contains citations from international titles and 13,000 multi-author works in and related to the field of religion. It also includes a full range of index citations to journal articles, essays in multi-author works, book reviews, and Doctor of Ministry projects from ATLA's print indexes: Religion Index One (RIO), Religion Index Two (RIT), and Index to Book Reviews in Religion (IBRR). Though coverage is from 1949 to the present, not all publications began in 1949.
ATLA religion database (Online : EBSCOhost)
Search database:
Islam and the Middle East; Religious Studies
Brockelmann Online will consist of both original volumes Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur (GAL) by Carl Brockelmann (1868-1956), as well as the three supplement volumes, including the indexes. It is full-text searchable.
Brockelmann, Carl, 1868-1956.
Search database:
History; Islam and the Middle East; Religious Studies
Provides full text online access to the complete 250-plus volumes of Cambridge Histories reference series. Provides political, economic and social history, philosophy and literature of selected countries and subjects.
Search database:
British and Commonwealth History; Government Information: International and Foreign; Islam and the Middle East; Jewish Studies; Religious Studies
The collection covers Middle Eastern history from 1812-1958; countries included are: Afghanistan, Egypt, Sudan, Persia, Suez Canal, Turkey, Jordan, Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, and Syria. The series originated out of a need for the British Government to preserve all of the most important papers generated by the Foreign and Colonial Offices. Some of these were one page letters or telegrams -- others were large volumes or texts of treaties. All items marked 'Confidential Print' were circulated to leading officials in the Foreign Office, to the Cabinet, and to heads of British missions abroad.
Search database:
Islam and the Middle East; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); African Studies; Political Science; Economics and Business; Government Information: International and Foreign; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies; East Asia Studies; Religious Studies
This resource is a part of the larger IMF website. It contains IMF reports, including the IMF country reports series, and publications arranged alphabetically by country. Includes: annual meetings speeches; Article IV staff reports; heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) documents; joint staff assessments; joint staff advisory notes; International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) statements; letters of intent; news briefs; policy framework papers; poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSP); press releases; public information notices (PIN); staff papers; transcripts; surveys; and other publications.
Corporate Author:
International Monetary Fund.
Search database:
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); Islam and the Middle East; Religious Studies
Online editions of several versions of the Encyclopedia of Islam.
Encyclopaedia of Islam (Online)
Search database:
Feminist Studies; Islam and the Middle East; Religious Studies
"Brill Academic Publishers is delighted to announce the publication of a major new multi-volume reference work, the 'Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures'. A unique collaboration of over 1000 scholars from around the world, the 'Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures' crosses history, geographic borders and disciplines to create a ground-breaking reference work reflecting the very latest research on gender studies and the Islamic world. No other reference work offers this scale of contributions or depth and breadth of coverage. 'Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures' is set to become an essential reference work for students and researchers in the fields of gender studies, Middle Eastern and Islamic studies, as well as scholars of religion, history, politics, anthropology, geography and related disciplines.
At the Library:
Green » InfoCenter (Non-circulating) » HQ1170 .E53 2003 ... in-library use only
Search database:
African Studies; Anthropology and Archaeology; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); East Asia Studies; Film and Media Studies; French and Italian Studies; Geography; Islam and the Middle East; Jewish Studies; Language; Music; Race and Ethnicity; Religious Studies; Slavic and Eastern European Studies; Social Sciences (General); Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
Intended to be a visual encyclopedia of human behavior and culture, online in streaming video. Contains classic and contemporary documentaries; previously unpublished footage from working anthropologists and ethnographers in the field; and select feature films. Includes footage from every continent and hundreds of unique cultures. Thematic areas include: language and culture, kinesthetics, body language, food and foraging, cooking, economic systems, social stratification and status, caste systems and slavery, male and female roles, kinship and families, political organization, conflict and conflict resolution, religion and magic, music and the arts, culture and personality, and sex, gender, and family roles.
Search database:
General and Reference Works; Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); Islam and the Middle East; Religious Studies
A bibliography of books and index of articles in periodicals on Islam and the Muslim world. Also includes reviews.
Index Islamicus (Online)
Search database:
Islam and the Middle East; Religious Studies
A collection of electronic books in Arabic. The collection ranges from contemporary novels to national heritage scientific treatises.
Search database:
Islam and the Middle East; Religious Studies
"This is an electronic archive of books published 1820-1914 from Egypt, Syria and the Islamic World. With over 3,000 titles, this collection covers humanistic, intellectual and scientific fields. Subject categories include philosophy and theology, literature, arts, history and politics, including writings from Mahmoud Abdo, Gamal El Din El Afgahany and Rashid Reda."
Search database:
Asian Studies (East, South & Southeast Asia; Middle East); Islam and the Middle East; Religious Studies
Mideastwire.com offers a daily email newsletter of concise, translated briefs covering some of the key political, cultural, economic and opinion pieces appearing via the print, radio and television media of the 22 Arab countries, Iran and the Arab Diaspora.
Search database:
Islam and the Middle East; Religious Studies
Search database:
News; Islam and the Middle East; History; Slavic and Eastern European Studies; Religious Studies
Full-text electronic versions of authoritative periodicals published in the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union. The sources cover a variety of itnernational and domestic issues. The database currently consists of titles from Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
Search database:
Religious Studies; Jewish Studies; Islam and the Middle East
"The World Religion Database (WRD) contains detailed statistics on religious affiliation for every country of the world. It provides source material, including censuses and surveys, as well as best estimates for every religion to offer a definitive picture of international religious demography. It offers best estimates at multiple dates for each of the world's religions for the period 1900 to 2050."--Home page, Brill site.

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